Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Week Without Walls

Diposting oleh grumpycrumpy di 19.50
8 February
-Went to Bandung with friends
-Went to Jakarta and visit The Garuda
-We saw how to make food for airlines, the planes, and saw the stewardess practicing :)
-We went to Bandung by bus and it took a long time *exhausted*
-Then at night, we arrived and Kampoeng Daun for dinner *yummy*^^
-After dinner, we went to the hotel and checked in, each room there would be 2 people

9 February
-Wakie wakie
-Breakfast was not really good, but i still ate though
-First trip was to visit the museum of KAA, which is Konferensi Afrika Asia
-We listened to the staff who explained the background of this Museum for such a long time *quite boring*. The museum is so huge and lots of pictures and information on the wall. And some statues of important people. And there is Soekarno's statue too (I guess?). The information are about the history, which country are joining, and many things else.
-Our next trip was to go to the distro. There are lots of distro in Bandung, but each group needed to interview one of the distro's staff or manager which was already chosen by the teachers for us. Our group got the God Inc distro, but unfortunately, they were closed at that time, and we interviewed other distro which is Oval Distro. Because we got only limited time (an hour). We spent the rest of the time shopping in the distro's near there. So, we didn't got much things to buy because our teacher didn't let us go any further if they didn't look after us.
-Near the distros, we ate our lunch in a Chinese restaurant, thank God the food was delicious :D
-Then, next stop was in Geology museum. We saw a lot of things there. Dinosaur, rocks, bones, and many things. It was quite interesting.
-This is my favorite part :). After going from the museum, we went back to the hotel and changed our clothes. Then, we went SHOPPING!!! *yee* We went shopping in PVJ (Paris Van Java). I bought a jeans vest and black skirt :D:)
-Then, we went back to or hotel and prepare our luggage because the next day we were going home :'(
-Sleep time zzz

10 February 2011
-Wake up >.<
-We went to primarasa. It's a famous bakery shop in Bandung. They sold many cakes there. And the brownies cakes are the best! Yummy!
-Then, next stop was to go to Saung Ijo. A traditional place for angklung. Many children and adults learn to play angklung. We say them played angklung. It was really nice :) They also have souvenir shop. You can buy something in there including angklung :)
-After that, we went to the airport from Bandung. Near the Airport, there is a restaurant, we ate there. Then, we went to airport and go to the terminal. And went back to Surabaya :)

  -----Welcome back to Surabaya :)------

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Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Week Without Walls

Diposting oleh grumpycrumpy di 19.50
8 February
-Went to Bandung with friends
-Went to Jakarta and visit The Garuda
-We saw how to make food for airlines, the planes, and saw the stewardess practicing :)
-We went to Bandung by bus and it took a long time *exhausted*
-Then at night, we arrived and Kampoeng Daun for dinner *yummy*^^
-After dinner, we went to the hotel and checked in, each room there would be 2 people

9 February
-Wakie wakie
-Breakfast was not really good, but i still ate though
-First trip was to visit the museum of KAA, which is Konferensi Afrika Asia
-We listened to the staff who explained the background of this Museum for such a long time *quite boring*. The museum is so huge and lots of pictures and information on the wall. And some statues of important people. And there is Soekarno's statue too (I guess?). The information are about the history, which country are joining, and many things else.
-Our next trip was to go to the distro. There are lots of distro in Bandung, but each group needed to interview one of the distro's staff or manager which was already chosen by the teachers for us. Our group got the God Inc distro, but unfortunately, they were closed at that time, and we interviewed other distro which is Oval Distro. Because we got only limited time (an hour). We spent the rest of the time shopping in the distro's near there. So, we didn't got much things to buy because our teacher didn't let us go any further if they didn't look after us.
-Near the distros, we ate our lunch in a Chinese restaurant, thank God the food was delicious :D
-Then, next stop was in Geology museum. We saw a lot of things there. Dinosaur, rocks, bones, and many things. It was quite interesting.
-This is my favorite part :). After going from the museum, we went back to the hotel and changed our clothes. Then, we went SHOPPING!!! *yee* We went shopping in PVJ (Paris Van Java). I bought a jeans vest and black skirt :D:)
-Then, we went back to or hotel and prepare our luggage because the next day we were going home :'(
-Sleep time zzz

10 February 2011
-Wake up >.<
-We went to primarasa. It's a famous bakery shop in Bandung. They sold many cakes there. And the brownies cakes are the best! Yummy!
-Then, next stop was to go to Saung Ijo. A traditional place for angklung. Many children and adults learn to play angklung. We say them played angklung. It was really nice :) They also have souvenir shop. You can buy something in there including angklung :)
-After that, we went to the airport from Bandung. Near the Airport, there is a restaurant, we ate there. Then, we went to airport and go to the terminal. And went back to Surabaya :)

  -----Welcome back to Surabaya :)------

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