Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Diposting oleh grumpycrumpy di 19.16
Nama : Ivy
Kelas/No Absen : 10 PIB 3/08
Sekolah : Cita Hati
Hobby : membaca, nonton, jj, dengerin musik, main
Cita Cita : Designer

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You can replace this text by going to "Layout" and then "Page Elements" section. Edit " About "

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Diposting oleh grumpycrumpy di 19.16
Nama : Ivy
Kelas/No Absen : 10 PIB 3/08
Sekolah : Cita Hati
Hobby : membaca, nonton, jj, dengerin musik, main
Cita Cita : Designer

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